1. Protective Function of Sunglasses

Sunglasses play a dual role as both a fashion statement and a vital tool for safeguarding our eyes from harmful UV rays and glare. However, neglecting their maintenance can result in various forms of damage such as scratches, warping, bending, and even breakage.

2. Avoid Resting Sunglasses on Your Head

One common mistake many people make is using their heads as a resting spot for sunglasses when not in use. While it may seem convenient, this practice can gradually stretch out the frames, strain the arm pins, and distort their shape. Over time, this can lead to discomfort as the glasses slip down your face. Instead, opt for safer storage options such as hanging them on your t-shirt collar or stashing them in a protective case.

3. Utilize Sunglasses Cases

 It's essential to utilize the cases provided with your sunglasses for their upkeep. Unfortunately, many individuals tend to overlook this and leave the case tucked away in a drawer at home, significantly limiting its effectiveness. To ensure your eyewear stays protected, consider keeping the case in your car or favorite bag, where it will be readily accessible and provide a convenient storage solution while on the go.

4. Avoid Exposure to High Temperatures

Another critical tip for maintaining sunglasses is to avoid leaving them on car dashboards, especially on hot, sunny days. The intense heat inside a vehicle can quickly cause plastic frames to warp, while even premium acetate frames are susceptible to damage from prolonged exposure to high temperatures. To prevent this, always store your sunglasses in a case placed in a cooler area of the car, such as the center console or the cubby hole in front of the gear stick.

On a scorching summer day in New Zealand, the temperature inside a car's dashboard can easily exceed 60°C (140°F) or even climb higher. Dark-coloured dashboards tend to absorb more heat from the sun, resulting in even higher temperatures.

5. Clean with Care

 When it comes to cleaning your sunglasses, using a soft cloth is essential for preventing scratches and maintaining clarity. While it may be tempting to use the nearest available material, such as your t-shirt, this can actually cause more harm than good, especially over time. To avoid potential damage, keep a soft cloth in your sunglasses case for quick clean-ups whenever necessary. Additionally, the soft microfiber material of our cases can effectively clean and polish your lenses without risking scratches or smudges.

6. Conclusion

 By following these simple yet effective tips for caring for your sunglasses, you can ensure they remain in excellent condition for years to come. Remember to avoid resting them on top of your head, utilize their cases for storage, refrain from leaving them on car dashboards, and clean them with a soft cloth to prevent scratches and maintain clarity. With proper maintenance, your favorite shades will continue to protect your eyes and elevate your style for many sunny days ahead.

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