Revo mirror sunglasses refer to eyewear that incorporates a specific type of lens coating known as the Revo mirror coating. This coating is applied to the outer surface of the lenses, providing several functionalities.

The term "Revo" originated from the brand "Revo Sunglasses," which was recognized for introducing and popularizing this mirror coating technology in the eyewear industry. The Revo mirror coating consists of multiple layers of materials that create a highly reflective surface on the lenses.

These sunglasses offer a mirror-like appearance on the outer surface, which serves various purposes:

1. Reduced Glare: The Revo mirror coating helps to minimize glare by reflecting a portion of the incoming light away from the eyes. This is particularly useful in bright conditions, such as sunny days or snowy environments, reducing eye strain and enhancing visual comfort.

2. Enhanced Protection: The mirrored surface adds an extra layer of protection by decreasing the amount of light that reaches the eyes. Alongside typical UV protection, the mirrored coating helps in blocking harmful UV rays, safeguarding the eyes from potential damage caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.

3. Fashion and Style: Beyond functionality, Revo mirror sunglasses often come in various vibrant and stylish colours, adding a fashionable element to the eyewear. They cater to different tastes and preferences, allowing individuals to express their style while enjoying the benefits of the mirrored lenses.

In essence, Revo mirror sunglasses combine both functional and aesthetic elements, offering wearers not only protection against glare and UV rays but also a fashionable accessory suitable for various outdoor activities and everyday wear.

Revo mirror lenses represent an impressive fusion of technology and style in the eyewear industry. These lenses are designed to provide enhanced clarity, UV protection, and reduced glare, making them an excellent choice for various activities, from everyday wear to specific outdoor pursuits.

The term "polarised" refers to a unique filter embedded within the lens. It works by selectively blocking certain light waves, particularly glare caused by reflections from flat surfaces like water, snow, or roads. This filtering process significantly diminishes eye strain and improves visual comfort, particularly in bright conditions.

Revo mirror coating takes the functionality of polarised lenses up a notch by incorporating a mirrored layer on the exterior surface. This reflective coating not only adds a pop of style but also serves a functional purpose by further reducing the amount of light that reaches the eyes. The mirrored finish acts as an additional barrier against intense sunlight, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the polarised lens.

The combination of polarization and Revo mirror coating is particularly advantageous for outdoor activities such as fishing, skiing, or driving, where glare can be a hindrance. It enables wearers to see more clearly and with greater contrast, allowing for better perception of depth and colours without the discomfort of squinting or straining.

Moreover, these lenses often come in a range of vibrant hues and tints, allowing individuals to express their style while benefiting from the lens' superior functionality. From classic grey and brown to bold blues, greens, and reds, Revo mirror lenses offer both performance and a touch of fashion flair.

In summary, Polarised Revo mirror lenses combine advanced polarisation technology with stylish mirror coatings to provide wearers with clear vision, reduced glare, UV protection, and a fashionable look, making them a popular choice for those seeking both performance and aesthetics in their eyewear.