Whether or not to wear blue light glasses is a personal decision and depends on your individual circumstances. Blue light glasses are designed to filter out blue light, which is emitted by electronic devices such as computer screens, smartphones, and televisions. Some people believe that prolonged exposure to blue light can cause eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep.

If you spend a lot of time in front of screens and experience any of these symptoms, you may benefit from wearing blue light glasses. Blue light glasses can reduce the amount of blue light that enters your eyes and help to alleviate these symptoms.

There is scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of blue light glasses in preventing eye strain or improving sleep quality. Additionally, many devices now have built-in blue light filters that can be turned on to reduce the amount of blue light emitted.

Ultimately, the decision to wear blue light glasses is up to you. If you experience eye strain or other symptoms related to screen use, you may want to try wearing blue light glasses to see if they help. However, if you don't experience any issues, you may not need them.

IPOP has a large range of low cost blue light blocking glasses