Eye strain, a prevalent eye condition affecting a significant number of Kiwis, has become increasingly common due to prolonged screen time. In this article, we will explore the causes and symptoms of eye strain and provide effective treatment methods to alleviate its common symptoms.

Unlike most eye conditions that stem from genetics or injury, eye strain can affect anyone. It arises from intense and prolonged use of the eyes, particularly prevalent with the rise of digital screens. Working in front of a computer screen for extended periods without regular breaks can lead to fatigue in the eye muscles.

Eye strain can be caused by various activities that require long-term use of the eyes, such as driving long distances, reading, or engaging in detailed focused work. However, the primary cause of eye strain in today's digital age is prolonged exposure to digital screens. Studies indicate that people tend to blink less when using digital devices, resulting in dry eyes and discomfort. While digital eye strain can be bothersome, it is generally not a long-term problem.

Anyone who uses their eyes extensively without taking breaks is susceptible to eye strain. Adults who work with computers for extended periods and children who spend prolonged hours on smartphones or playing video games are particularly at risk.

Eye strain is typically a manageable condition, and by modifying behavior and implementing a few changes, its symptoms can be relieved. If you suspect your eye issues are unrelated to computer vision syndrome, it is advisable to consult an eye institute to rule out more severe problems. For eye strain resulting from excessive eye use, consider the following steps:

  1. Eye Vacation Time: Hey, give your eyes a break, my friend! Especially if you're spending quality time with your computer screen. Remember the fabulous 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, treat your eyes to a quick getaway. Look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It's like a mini-vacation for your eyes!

  2. Screen Sweet Spot: Get cozy with your screen for some eye comfort! Keep it at arm's length, my pal, and position it slightly below eye level. Find that perfect spot where your eyes can relax and enjoy the view. It's like finding the comfiest seat in the house!

  3. Brightness Magic: Let's set the mood for your eyes, shall we? Adjust the brightness of your screen to create the perfect ambiance. Not too bright, not too dim—just right! Find that magical setting where your eyes can sparkle without strain. It's like creating a cozy atmosphere for your peepers!

  4. Stylish Eye Allies: Time to level up your eye game with some snazzy eyewear! Say hello to blue light glasses, the superheroes of eye protection. When you're working with screens, slip on these cool and effective glasses. They block out that pesky blue light, giving your eyes a break while making you look effortlessly stylish. Check out the awesome selection of blue blockers at iPOP—we've got you covered!

  5. Blinking Bonanza: Hey, let those peepers dance, my friend! When you're engrossed in that screen, give your eyes a gentle reminder to blink more often. It's like a refreshing little dance move for your eyes. And if blinking needs a helping hand, grab some artificial tears—they're like a soothing spa treatment for your eyes, keeping them moisturized and happy.

  6. Air Quality Oasis: Don't let the air spoil the eye party! While screen time takes the spotlight, air quality plays a supporting role. If the air feels dry, bring in the humidifier and add some much-needed moisture. And those pesky cooling fans or heaters? Adjust their settings or find a new spot where the air is just right. Fresh air creates a delightful ambiance for your eyes to thrive.

Now go forth, my eye-care champion, and show your eyes some love! Follow these friendly and creative tips, and your eyes will thank you with a sparkling and strain-free gaze. You've got this!